About PV-UK

The Pigeon Vitality UK Team

Pigeon vitality UK  is a Family Run Business, consisting of Danny/Amanda/Kirsten. Danny who has been racing since the age of 12, since then he has won many 1st prizes at club, federation and combine and a Winner of 1st National, Amanda who has been involved in pigeon for 17 years and also on her own won many 1st prizes also at club, Federation and also won 1st combine, Kirsten who has been around pigeons all her life and helps out around the Family lofts, and has now took over loft duties from Amanda.


Interest in the business is from a technical point of view and Loves to get a more in depth understanding of how these products can improve his pigeons performance and also how to applicate Keeping pigeons Healthy with Natural products.


Runs the day to day business , from Taking customers orders , and making sure customer satisfaction at all times, Amanda also has a very keen interest in the science behind the products, and has been

interested in Natural products for Human and Animal welfare for many years.


Helps with the running of the  racing loft and uses the pigeon vitality Range on a daily basis with the birds she also helps out with the running and updating of website, Kirsten also has a keen interest in the benefits of natural products for health and performance.

The Individuals

Danny Henderson

UK Agent

Amanda Henderson

Director PVUK

Kirsten Henderson

Assistant/Loft Manager