Pigeon Vitality Product Range


£25.00 (500ml)

For young birds showing signs of adenovirus i.e. vomiting and reluctance to train. Use in water 5 ml/ litre in  5-6 days or until symptoms are absent. Preferably combine with electrolytes as e.g. Belgamax, 1 teaspoon per litre water.

Our amino acid complex contains the needed essential amino acids and is a superb product for breeding, moulting and in the evening after race. It secures fast absorption of needed amino acids which again are converted to the needed proteins by the pigeon itself.

Amino Acid Complex

£17.00 (200g)


£24.00 (125g)

Give AntiFungal™ together with Improver™ two-three succeeding days after race to suppress  AntiFungal™ has been developed to solve the problem of stress-related growth of fungal. growth of Candida Albican


£35.00 (200g)

Give AntiFungal™ together with Improver™ two-three succeeding days after race to suppress  AntiFungal™ has been developed to solve the problem of stress-related growth of fungal. growth of Candida Albican


£12.00 (400g)

BelgamaxTM is a combination of electrolytes with B-vitamins, antioxidants and stress-reducing trace elements. The formulation makes this electrolyte superior as compared to many other electrolytes on the markets. With its unique composition, the effect is noticed faster than any other pure electrolyte products on the market.

Broncho Plus

£15.00 (100ml)

A revolutionary product from Pigeon Vitality in co-operation with Biochem.  natural Liquid complementary based on essential oils for pigeons – to be administered to the drinking water to avoid respiratory problems during the race season.


£17.00 (250ml)

ClearifyTM- a natural product to reduce problems with respiratory diseases and mycoplasma. It is made from extract of Liquorice Root and eases congestion and coughing by helping to loosen and thin mucus in airways. The herb also relaxes bronchial spasms and soothes soreness in the throat, and fights viruses that cause respiratory illnesses and an overproduction of mucus


£24.00 (125g)

So, unique and good that it held a word-wide patent as a “green antibiotics”. It is added to the drinking water, and kills the “bad bacteria”, while it at same time stimulates the natural microflora in the intestines (the “good bacteria”). All resulting in great vitality and good immune defence system


£35.00 (200g)

So, unique and good that it held a word-wide patent as a “green antibiotics”. It is added to the drinking water, and kills the “bad bacteria”, while it at same time stimulates the natural microflora in the intestines (the “good bacteria”). All resulting in great vitality and good immune defence system

L Carnitine Complex

£18.00 (100g)

Increases the endurance and speed of your pigeons! The natural and high activity L-Carnitine is scientifically proved to bring the fat (pigeons fuels) from the blood and into the muscle cells. The effect is higher speed for a longer time: -a real must for medium, long distance and marathon pigeons.


£17.00 (500ml)

The Pigeon Vitality Lec-ithin is made of the very best raw materials approved for human support, Increase uptake of the fat from the grain and boost energy in race. A source of choline, which is an essential nutrient. May help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports

Moulting and Breeding

£13.00 (700g)

Enriched with the two most important amino acids for growth and feather quality, methionine and lysine. The two essential amino acids are lacking in most grains, so an additive is important, Enriched with citric acid, thus lowering the pH and suppressing the growth of disease-causing bacteria, ensuring strong healthy young, and a good moult.

MultiViTra Concentrate

£10.00 (500g)

MultiViTraTM – a concentrated, complete and balanced blend of all needed vitamins, minerals and trace elements for pigeons. NOTE: Value for money! Unlike many other multivitamins in the market, MultiViTraTM contains ALL vitamins and trace elements needed (28 vitamins, minerals and important trace elements as e.g. vitamins A, all B-vitamins, C, D3, E, K and the minerals Calsium, Magnesium, Phosphor, Sodium, Potassium, Clorine and trace elements as Cobolt, Cupper, Iron, Iodine, Mangane, Selnium and zinc.

Natural De-wormer

£15.00 (450g)

A new revolutionary and efficient dewormer – 100% natural,
Consumed by humans or animals, they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Moving along the digestion tract, the particles destroy parasites and their eggs along their way and they are subsequently excreted.

Omega 3 oil

£15.00 (500ml)

Omega-3TM! High quality Omega 3 rich (ALA,EPA,DHA) cold pressed rape seed oil and salmon oil enriched with antioxidants and lecithin. the best pure arctic marine oils enriched with the great antioxidant Asthaxantin. This combination is beneficial for Racing Pigeons, Young Birds, Breeders in all seasons

Oxy B Powder

£15.00 (400g)

Oxy-B PowderTM The most important vitamins for lifting breeding and racing performance are no doubt the B-vitamins! This product contains them all as concentrates; – enriched with selected balanced mixture of antioxidants beneficial for racing pigeons, young birds and breeders.

Oxy B Liquid

£15.00 (500ml)

Oxy-B LiquidTM Some like powder to add to the grain, some like liquid to have in the drinking water. Here it is, Oxy-B LiquidTM – an alternative to The Oxy-B powder. Note: this liquid (as the Oxy-B powder) also contains the important vitamin B9 (folic acid), which often lacks in other commercial liquid B-vitamins in the market.


£20.00 (400g)

ProGut™ is a blend of prebiotics and phytogenics, designed to improve the immune system and the strength of racing pigeons. Ideal as feed additive in stress periods as after races, in the breeding season, in the period of YB bird weaning, the moulting season and after antibiotic cures

Rebuild capsules

£15.00 (100capsules)

Rebuild Capsules™ A scientific selection of the best amino acids (the BCAAs) specifically selected to minimise muscle cell damage, ideally suited for ultra fast recuperation and to enhance the development of muscle cell growth in racing pigeons after returning from training and racing flights.

Rebuild Powder

£15.00 (100g)

Rebuild Powder™ A scientific selection of the best amino acids (the BCAAs) specifically selected to minimise muscle cell damage, ideally suited for ultra fast recuperation and to enhance the development of muscle cell growth in racing pigeons after returning from training and racing flights.

TriColi Stop capsules

£24.00 (100capsules)

ONLY – 1 capsule of TriColi-STOP Removes 99.8 % of Trichomonas / Canker within 3 hours!
Contains only pure natural organic substances and vitamins! NOT A MEDICINE, so NO resistance or side effects can develop

TriColi Stop Powder

£40.00 (100g)

A natural product against Trichomonas (canker). For flock treatment. Removes 99.8 % of Trichomonas / Canker within 3 hours!
Contains only pure natural organic substances and vitamins! NOT A MEDICINE, so NO resistance or side effects can develop!

Turbo Flight capsules

£22.00 (100capsules)

Turbo Flight Liquid™ Pigeons typically fly at higher speed (e.g. 100 km/hour) the first hour of the race while flying on glycogen and carbohydrates (fats) in the blood stream and those stored in the liver.

Turbo Flight Liquid

£30.00 (500ml)

Turbo Flight Liquid™ Pigeons typically fly at higher speed (e.g. 100 km/hour) the first hour of the race while flying on glycogen and carbohydrates (fats) in the blood stream and those stored in the liver.

Amino B Complex

£17.00 (250ml)

Among the most essential and significant amino acids for feed additives for pigeons are the ones lacking in grain: L-Metionine , L-Lysine, L-Threonine and L-Tryptophane. These are the ones that the pigeons will significantly benefit from as part of their feed additives for – in particular – racing, moulting and breeding.

Bronco Plus Drops

£10.00 (30ml)

BronchoPlus Drops is a well-balanced formulation based on different natural essential oils based on peppermint, eucalyptus oil, and menthol. The concentration of these essential oils has been fitted to direct introduction into the pigeon throat. The composition of BronchoPlus helps the pigeons to decrease the amount of excessive mucus in the respiratory tract. Main idea behind the BronchoPlus Drops product is to protect against respiratory diseases under transport.

Bronco Plus Spray

£15.00 (250ml)

BronchoPlus Spray is a well-balanced formulation based on different natural essential oils based on peppermint, eucalyptus oil, and menthol. The concentration of these essential oils has been fitted to be applied for spraying the air, ceiling and walls in the loft in periods with warm and humidic weather. Also the baskets may be sprayed. The composition of BronchoPlus helps the pigeons to decrease the amount of excessive mucus in the respiratory tract. Main idea behind the BronchoPlus Spray product is to protect against respiratory diseases by treating the air inhaled by the pigeons.

Liverclean liquid

£17.00 (250ml)

After two years intensive R&D and field-testing, the product Liver CleanTMis ready to be launched in the market! Detoxifying the pigeon’s liver is extremely important to maximize performance . Liver CleanTMIt is a natural product based on herbs, and available as either liquid or as powder.

The main function of the Pigeon’s liver is to remove toxins from the pigeon’s body, which can include varied chemical as well as physiological substances. When the pigeon’s liver is overloaded with work then it can face problems in clearing the toxins, which results in congested liver or liver congestion. There are basically several causes of liver congestion in pigeons including various diseases, parasites, bacteria as salmonella¹, use of medicines and stress from demanding races

Such a situation can leave the pigeons feel tired and reduce it’s immune defence system, and may prolong the time needed for recuperation after sickness, medicine cures and after hard races!

The Pigeon Vitality Liver Clean (powder or liquid) cleanse the liver by a detoxification process in 2-3 days.


  • Speeds recovery, faster recuperation after race!
  • Helps to overcome various Liver assaults like Mycotoxins, Antibiotics
  • Stimulate the immune defence system

RECUP Free Amino Acids

£30.00 (300g)

RECUP Free-Amino-Acids

Free amino acids as a feed additive for fast recuperation of racing pigeons after races – as compared to protein powders – do have many advantages:

Faster Absorption and Utilization:

Free amino acids are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, immediately providing the building blocks formuscle repair and growth, bypassing the need for digestion. This is unlike protein powders which require time and energy to be broken down into usable forms.

Reduced Digestive Burden:

After races, pigeons’ bodies are stressed, and their digestive systems might not function optimally. Free amino acids, requiring minimal digestion, reduce the workload on the pigeon’s digestive system, allowing more energy to be allocated to recovery and muscle regeneration.

Specific Amino Acid Targeting:

Free amino acid supplements allow for customization of amino acid profiles to match the specific recovery needs of pigeons after racing. Examples are the ones that lack in grain – such as e.g. L-methionine and L-lysine. Protein powders, while rich in amino acids, have ofgten fixed ratios that may not optimally support pigeons’ recovery needs.

Enhanced Muscle Recovery:

The direct availability of essential amino acids supports faster and more efficient muscle recovery, crucial for repairing muscle damage caused by intense physical exertion during races.

Improved Performance Over Time:

With faster recovery times and the ability to quickly rebuild and strengthen muscles, pigeons may experience improved performance in subsequent races.

Support for Feather Health:

Certain amino acids are critical for feather health and regeneration, important for the aerodynamics and overall condition of racing pigeons. Balanced free amino acid supplements can provide these specific amino acids for feather synthesis and repair.

Reduced Ammonia Production: Protein powders, when digested and metabolized, produce more ammonia, a by-product that can be toxic and requires energy to excrete. Free amino acids, being directly absorbed, can lead to less ammonia production, thus reducing potential toxicity and conserving energy for recovery and detoxification processes.

These advantages are the reason for our introduction of RECUP Free-Amino-Acids to support the fast recuperation of racing pigeons. It is our belive that free amino acids offer a more efficient, targeted approach to recuperation and overall performance enhancement for racing pigeons compared to traditional protein powders when administrated the hours and perhaps the 1-2 days after demanding races. Note however that a balanced grain mixture the next days after demanding races enriched with fat and protins are recommend – and also in accordance with the recommendation of the grain suppliers.


£30.00 (300g)


The benefits of using tart cherry juice powder as a feed additive for racing pigeons include several key areas that contribute to fast recuperation of the racing pigeons:

Enhanced Recovery:

Tart cherry juice’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce muscle inflammation experienced by pigeons after races, mirroring the recovery benefits observed in human athletes.

Reduced Muscle Soreness: Cherry juice also aid pigeons in recovering faster from the physical demands of racing, thereby preparing them more efficiently for subsequent races.

Improved Rest and Sleep Quality:The melatonin present in cherry juice might improve pigeons’ rest and recovery periods.

Immune System Boost: The antioxidants support pigeon’s immune system, keeping them healthier and more resilient against infections.